Our Mission
The mission of A Tie That Binds is to develop a movement of men who are educated, supported, and equipped to go into battle alongside their loved ones. By calling attention to, and creating awareness of the impact breast cancer has on men, it is our hope to see men around the globe involved in four strategic areas:
Education and Resources — To engage and educate men through resources before and after an official diagnosis of Breast Cancer has been given to a loved one.
1Q1M: Early Detection Initiative — Our Early Detection Initiative, 1Q1M (One Question Once A Month) empowers men to take an active role in encouraging the significant women in their lives to obtain an annual mammogram starting at the age of 40. In addition, emphasize the importance of beginning monthly breast self-exams at the age of 20. Our goal is to make men more involved by asking one question, once a month: Have you conducted a self-breast exam?
Support — To ensure compassionate support and community for men through various activities and programs. Giving men the opportunity to unite, encourage, vent, hope, and bond with one another.
National Pink Tie Day — Annually October 20th is set aside as National Pink Tie Day to call attention to, and raise awareness that men are affected by breast cancer in different ways than women and that resources/support are available. A Tie That Binds asks men to wear a pink tie on October 20th, National Pink Tie Day in honor of a woman in their life who has been touched by breast cancer.